hema visioneers
If a culture is the way a group of people live together, then corporate culture is the way a group of people work together. It is the collection of written and unwritten traditions, values, goals, attitudes and norms shared within a company. We believe that every company should be as different and unique as its individuals. Just as two people may or may not be compatible, individuals and companies may or may not be compatible.
Who are the Visioneers?
Visioneers are dedicated, curious and technology-oriented. We never shy away from a challenge and always ensure that our customers receive high-tech electronics from us. From apprentice to management, we are committed to making hema a welcoming and respectful community.
What does the term Visioneers mean?
It consists of two words: Vision and Engineer.
Firstly, Vision stands for the field in which we are active. Developing and manufacturing electronics for embedded vision applications. It is the environment in which our customers are active.
Secondly, it stands for vision in the sense of a target image. The image of a future that we consider worth striving for and working purposefully to achieve.
Engineers are the developers and builders of this vision. According to hema's three areas of activity, this includes all employees at hema who work effectively to make our customers the world market leaders of tomorrow.

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